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How to Do Proper Keyword Research for The SEO Of an E-commerce Website?

Having an e-commerce-based website puts you under pressure to cater to the special SEO needs for that website so that its e-commerce side gets the proper hike and traffic as intended. SEO is all about optimization. You do things for the site to get it more traffic, and get it more optimized and ranked high in the eyes of search engines. Moreover, SEO gives the site a good position in the search engine ranking page. Then what is special about e-commerce SEO? Well, e-commerce means commerce you do online. This means the entire business is based on online things. You, in this case, are most non-reliant to offline modes and promotions, and wholly or mostly rely on online modes of promotion and SEO.

In this case, you do things which boost the business of the site through SEO. And that is why this segment of SEO especially highlighting e-commerce is called eCommerce SEO.

Going step by step is the best you can do

Every work is accomplished by planning. In case of SEO to you must chalk out an excellent plan for your e-commerce site. The method should include the following:

  • Keyword research in depth
  • Making the site framework
  • On-Page SEO
  • The technical side of SEO
  • SEO oriented e-commerce content
  • E-commerce website-oriented link building

Here we would discuss the best keyword research tactics that make your e-commerce site SEO successful.

E-commerce based keyword research

Proper keyword research is the heart of SEO. If the keyword research goes wrong, the whole building will be prepared to be made on the faulty foundation. Hence, you must be very particular about keyword research. Finding the right keyword, which is apt for your products and services, and also serves best to give fierce competition to your rivals is necessary.

Try to find more realistic keywords. Instead of focusing on keywords which are informative or specifies and describes a name etc., try to find keywords which start with why, how to, when, etc. Often users type in questions on Google instead of writing one or two informative words. Hence finding question-based keywords can be a great way to target the right searches. Also, never feel ashamed to go to your rival sites to type and search keywords they have used. Sometimes critical rival sites give good suggestions of keywords.

Importance of long tail keywords

In the process of keyword research try to find the more long tail keywords you can. Long tail keywords are those keywords which describe the product or service further in 2 to 3 words. Instead of just 2 to 3 words like the exact product name, adding a 2 to 3 words description as a tail behind the product name adds dimension to the description. And that is how real users search for. The key to success in e-commerce-based SEO is finding such right long tail keywords which would not come with a lot of competition to rank against, and yet would be giving you outstanding results in a short time. Keyword scraping tools are quite useful for such jobs.

Keyword finding and finalizing tips

Some of the critical keyword finding places are:

  • Amazon
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Wikipedia
  • SEMrush

There are many other paid and free tools, which you may use to get some of the best keywords. And when you get a handful of keywords, you must do another set of tests on them to filter them. The searches must be based on:

  • Keyword and product category matching
  • Search volume
  • If it fills the commercial purpose
  • Competitiveness

Understanding the search volume of the keyword

Every keyword has a search volume. This means how many times the keyword is searched for in a month. And depending on the industry and domain the keyword’s search volume speaks for it. For some niche, the search volume can be in hundreds and still ok. And for some, the search volume can be in thousands and still not good enough. But a keyword without any search volume is just of no use. If no one searches a keyword then what would be its use. All work done on it would yield no result.

Product Keyword category match

This is much important to analyze a keyword. If you have a keyword which is of high search volume, and yet does not fit well the product category, and hence is not an excellent match for your e-commerce website, then there is no use investing time and labor on that keyword. Instead, more alow volume keyword with much apt matching with the category is a better match.


Always choose keywords with medium or high competition. To check this feature, try Google Planner, it shows how many people are bidding on the keyword. Also, every keyword has a difficulty level. You can learn about it from tools like SEMrush. There the difficulty level is shown. If the percentage is high then ranking against that keyword in organic searches would be tough. And if the rate is low, then it will be easy to work with that keyword.

Wrapping things up

Now you have an idea of keyword research for your e-commerce site. With this idea, you will be able to do skillful keyword research. It’s not necessary that you always use paid tools for the analysis. You may also use free tools and achieve good results. To start small, you may try inexpensive ways. Even that way too, e-commerce site SEO can be started.

There are many other factors to be considered in e-commerce site related SEO. The website architecture is an important part, and also categorization of the products on the site in a systematic way is a much important part. Besides, you will have to see that you use reliable tools for every part of the project. Standing the e-commerce site in a tough ground against already successful rivals is not an easy task. But with the right research and planning, it’s pretty doable.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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